Whitemarsh Allows Leashed Dogs in Parks

After posting about dogs being banned from Conshohocken’s parks, a reader asked us about a park in Whitemarsh. We looked it up and found the following on Whitemarsh Township’s website:

Pets are permitted in Township Parks and Open Spaces, and leashed dogs will be permitted in Township Parks and Open Spaces areas, both subject to the Township’s Animal Control Ordinance (Ordinance No. 848, amending Chapter 39, Article 1, of The Code of Whitemarsh Township), and in any specially designated dog park, subject to rules and regulations posted in said area.

So feel free to walk your dog in a park in Whitemarsh, but be aware, just don’t go try opening a piggery and not know the rules in Whitemarsh! From the Township’s code:

Pigsties or piggeries shall not be built or maintained within the Township of Whitemarsh unless and until the following requirements are complied with:

A. Pigsties or piggeries shall not be built or maintained on marshy ground or land subject to overflow, nor within 200 feet of any stream or other source of water supply, nor within 300 feet of an inhabited house or public meetinghouse of an adjoining property.

B. When garbage is fed to pigs, provisions shall be made in that all unconsumed garbage shall be removed daily and disposed of by burial or incineration.

C. No organic material furnishing food for flies shall be allowed to accumulate on the premises. All garbage shall be handled and fed upon a platform of concrete or other impervious material. Unslaked lime, hypochloride of lime, borax or mineral oil shall be used daily in sufficient quantities to prevent offensive odors and the breeding of flies.

D. Each pigsty or piggery shall have an adequate water supply for the purpose of keeping the place clean and sanitary.

E. All floors of pigsties or piggeries, in addition to being constructed of concrete or other impervious materials, shall have adequate provision for drainage to a cesspool approved by the Secretary of the Township or to a sewer or treatment works approved by the Department of Health[1] of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

[1]: Editor’s Note: See Ch. 95, Sewers.