During its December 1st meeting, the Plymouth Township Planning Agency voted to support the township’s zoning officer’s determination that zoning relief is needed for the ownership of the Old Mansion House to move forward with adding a deck on the rear of the property. The members of the zoning agency then voted 4-1 to recommend to the zoning hearing board a variance to allow 36 off-street parking spaces where a minimum of 66 is required.
The support for the variance came with the condition that the restaurant and township establish a trigger on when valet parking is required. All of the cars valeted would be required to be parked on-site.
As MoreThanTheCurve.com reported on November 30th, the new owner is Evan Lambert, who is an owner of Savona in Gulph Mills. Savona is an upscale dining establishment. During the meeting, we learned that Lambert plans to renovate the Old Mansion House building and open a more upscale restaurant. The two upper floors would not be used for dining.
In regards to parking, Lambert intends to maintain the lot as gravel. He also does not intend to create an entrance or exit on the Fulton Street side of the parking lot unless recommended by the township’s fire marshal. The intent is to have all vehicles enter and exit the property along Old Elm Street.
The issue will now go to the zoning hearing board for a final determination. That hearing is scheduled for December 20th (agenda).
Photo: The highlight shows the Old Mansion House property. It is not exact.