Conshohocken’s unofficial historian Jack Coll has published another book about Conshohocken. “Tales of Conshohocken and Beyond,” is a 450 page book featuring stories from Conshy’s past complimented by 485 photos. The photos are both historic and recent, with the recent ones taken by Coll’s son, Brian “Butch” Coll.
If you notice, the cover of the book features a photo of the Brown Derby, which is now the Great American Pub. The Times Herald spoke with Jack Coll about the selection of this photo for the cover. Coll states, “The Brown Derby was so well-known for more than half a century and the cover photo is such a good shot of the place,” he said. “Conshohocken has always been identified by bars and churches. And I just thought a good bar shot was so typical of Conshohocken … at least old Conshohocken.”
The new book, along with the other Conshy-centric books by the Colls, is available for purchase at Colls Custom Framing at 4th and Fayette.