A 19-year-old Conshohocken man has been charged with two misdemeanors, Recklessly Endangering Another Person and Propulsion Of Missiles Onto Roadways, in connection with a December 24th incident along West Elm Street in Conshohocken.
According to the court documents, Conshohocken police responded to West Elm Street after a report of a simple assault. During that investigation, police found that one of those involved, Landon Elija Wood, was captured on CCTV footage “throwing an unknown object with his right arm off the ledge facing W. Elm St” from the top floor of a 12-story parking garage.
The victim claimed that the projectile was ice and had struck his vehicle while it carried him, his wife, and their newborn baby as it traveled along West Elm Street. The police pointed out in the complaint that the weather that evening included snow and ice.
Wood is scheduled to appear for a preliminary hearing on February 5th before Magisterial District Court Judge Dara Nasatir.