Fiber Arts: Beginning Embroidery - MoreThanTheCurve
Serving Conshohocken, Lafayette Hill, Plymouth Meeting and West Conshohocken since 2009.
  1. Fiber Arts: Beginning Embroidery

    Class, Hosted By William Jeanes Memorial Library

  2. Took place on Thursday, May 4th, 2023 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm
  3. William Jeanes Memorial Library
    4051 Joshua Road Lafayette Hill, PA
  4. This 2-week beginning embroidery class for children in grades 3-5 will teach the basics of embroidery in a hands-on way. We’ll be using burlap and large needles to make embroidery accessible for younger children. A similar program will also be offered on the following Mondays: 5/2 and 5/9for grades 1-2. Registration is required for this program.

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