Junior Learn-To-Row camp
Sports, Hosted By Whitemarsh Boat Club
Took place on Saturday, September 16th, 2017 @ 12:00pm
Hines Rowing Center
801 Washington St, Conshohocken, PA 19428 -
Middle School (grades 6-8) & High School (grades 9-12) students with no or very little rowing experience who are interested in discovering rowing, or know that they want to prepare for the 2017 spring racing season, can learn to row by enrolling in the Learn-To-Row camp WBC has planned this fall. Sat/Sun, September 16/17 + Sat/Sun, September 23/24 All sessions will run from 12:00-4:00p (drop off no earlier than 11:45a & pick up by 4:15p). The emphasis of these programs will be sculling, with sweep rowing a possibility depending on enrollment numbers. Rowers are expected to be at all practices; if you can’t make a practice please communicate with your coach in advance so he or she can plan accordingly. Practice is RAIN OR SHINE at the Hines Rowing Center. See our website for directions and information about parking. Our fall learn to row classes are capped at 10 registrants which creates a very personalized experience. The fee for this program is $575 if paid by check, $594 if paid by credit card or PayPal. Payment secures a seat in the class. Checks should be made out to “Whitemarsh Boat Club” & mailed to PO Box 944/ Conshohocken, PA/ 19428.
Free AdmissionOutdoor