The liquor license for the closed location of Bertucci at the Plymouth Meeting Mall is in the process of being sold to a new restaurant in Jenkintown. Bertucci’s closed its Plymouth Meeting location in the fall of 2022.
The new restaurant is being opened at 391 Highland Avenue in Jenkintown (Abington Township) by Dan and Chelsea Katz, owners of West Ave Grille Restaurant & Food Truck and Pizza Wheel in Jenkintown. That space was previously Bernie’s Restaurant & Bar.
Abington Township is holding a hearing on August 10th to consider the transfer. If and when approved, by the township, the license transfer process then moves to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board for consideration,
In the past couple of years, two new liquor licenses have been approved to transfer into the township, first at the Cracker Barrel at The Metroplex and the not-yet-opened P.J. Whelihan’s at the Plymouth Square Shopping Center.
The liquor license for Dawson’s, which closed at 440 Plymouth Road in Plymouth Meeting in 2017, is further along in the sale and transfer process. Montgomery Township has approved the transfer and it is currently working its way through the steps to be approved by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.