Above is an exclusive first look at the planned facade of the Stone Rose opening on or around September 19th. The owners have gutted the space formally ocuppied by Y2K at 822 Fayette Street and are looking to become the “ultimate neighborhood restaurant and bar.” Plans include a tap system that will offer 100% local beers, with large national beers available in bottles. Many of the menu offerings will feature locally grown items. They plan to have top notch music, outdoor seating in the warm months, and a chef that will open a lot of eyes.
A few of the victims from the Riverwalk fire that occured a year ago this week held a press conference with their lawyers.
Congressman Jim Gerlach, who represents District 6 (which includes Conshohocken’s Ward 1), is running for Governor and there are a number of candidates looking to replace him.
The leadership of Conshohocken-based Saxby’s Coffee believes that its Chapter 11 status won’t hinder its growth.
Founder and executive chairman of Decision Strategies International, Paul J.H. Schoemaker, was quoted in Business Week about being optimistic during the recession.
Spamps was reviewed on MontgomeryNews.com.
The Conshohocken Steelers improved to 4-0 with a win over the Burlington County Blackhawks. Next week they have another away game against the South Philadelphia Spartans.
Get Migranes? A Conshohocken based company is hoping it has an answer.
New Horizons Worldwide, Inc. is the world’s largest independent IT training company and they are based in Conshohocken announces postive financial results.
West Conshohocken’s Immune Control, Inc. seeks new asthma treatment.
Conshohocken’s Hayden Real Estate Investors L.L.C. and Ironwood Property Group L.P. were both mentioned in an article on Philly.com regarding commercial real estate and development.
The Philadelphia Fight, a rugby team that plays its home matches in Conshohocken, fell to the New Haven Warriors in the playoffs.
Fox29 News and CBS3 were nominated for a local Emmys for their coverage of the fire at the Riverwalk complex.