On September 23rd, the Borough of Conshohocken released the text of a proposed animal control ordinance and announced that the borough council intends to vote on the issue during its October 20th meeting. You can view the text of the proposed ordinance here.
In general terms, the ordinance does the following:
- Prohibits any animal from being off-leash on streets, public lands, etc
- Requires pet owners are required to “immediately” to pick-up after their animals in public spaces or private property owned by others
- Requires pet owners to clean up feces on their own property twice a week
- Probibits feeding feral cats and declares a feral cat colony a public nusiance
- Limits the ownership of chickens to only those who have a single family detached dwelling. Limits the number of chicken to three per tract of land. Chickens can not have a commercial use. Chickens must be kept within a coop and pen. Prohibits roosters
- Creates the position of animal control officer
There are a lot more details you can find if you read the entire ordinance (link above).
The penalty for being found in violation of this proposed ordinance is $50 for the first offense and it goes up to $500 if found in violation a fourth time.
The ordinance also empowers private civil action, for example, if you believe someone is violating the ordinance. The section reads:
Private Civil Actions Authorized. All persons are authorized toc (sic)
commence private civil actions against persons violating the provisions of this Chapter by filing a complaint, or other appropriate form of action, with the magisterial district judge or any other court of competent jurisdiction.
There is a Facebook group, Help Conshohocken Community Cats, concerned about how the ordinance if passed will impact the feral cats. At least some members of the group advocate for a trap, neuter, and return program instead of prohibiting feeding.