Every week we search for the most interesting and inane tweets about the Conshohockens, Lafayette Hill and Plymouth Meeting. Here is what we found this week:
It sure is a real shame Mike Schmidt fell in the Conshohocken Mystery Spot the day after he retired, never to be seen or heard from again.
— Swamp Captain (@huhhowdoidothis) May 1, 2018
@_youhadonejob1 Found on a cul-de-sac in Conshohocken, PA pic.twitter.com/9FMAAPzBQG
— RD (@rndtax) April 27, 2018
Idk if @chrissyteigen is still deciding on the best ranch dressing but I found it. It’s in Conshohocken, PA at a restaurant called Fingers, Wings, and Other Things. If you want me to send you some, I got you girl.
— Sandi Charney (@SandiC35) April 27, 2018
I’m telling people I saw him in conshy earlier walking on Fayette Street!!! https://t.co/czQwFIk5kZ
— Casey (@Case_C1osed) May 1, 2018
@ChipotleTweets plymouth meeting location. Salad dressing needs proper adjustments ASAP. Cannot move forward until notified of fix. Business as usual people, stick to the ingredients.
— Jets Savage (@NYJsavage) April 30, 2018
I was once at a store in the Plymouth Meeting mall and the only other people in the store were @alleniverson and 2 of his people. I didnt say anything to him and he didnt notice i existed and we moved on with our lives
— Shawn Hliwski (@ShawnHil2) April 29, 2018