1. St. Mary Polish American Society Raffle

    Fundraiser, Hosted By St. Mary Polish American Society

  2. Took place on Sunday, December 13th, 2020 @ 12:00pm
  3. St. Mary Church Hall
    Elm and Oak Streets, Conshohocken, PA
  4. The raffle will feature $10,000 in prizes paid out to seven winning tickets and will be broken down as follows: 1st Prize- $5,000 2nd Prize- $2,000 3rd Prize- $1,000 Four $500 prizes Tickets are $50 each. A total of 500 tickets will be sold. Raffle proceeds support our mission of promoting Polish heritage in Montgomery County, PA and the restoration of St. Mary Catholic Church, the home for the Traditional Latin Mass in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The drawing will be held on Sunday, December 13, 2020 which hopefully will be the day of our annual Wigilia Advent Social. To purchase tickets, please contact Dorothy Swedkowski at 610-630-0861 or email us at smpas@stmarypolish.org.

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