This week will begin publishing interviews with candidates running in competitive (more than one candidate) races for the upcoming municipal and judicial primary election on May 18th. There are not many competitive races.
In the Democratic Party primary for the Ward 1 seat on Plymouth Township’s Council, there is a candidate running that is endorsed by the party, Nick Whitney, and a write-in candidate named Saleema Lovelace. Whitney did not respond to our request for an interview.
Lovelace is running a very active write-in campaign and has been sharing the experience of running for office on social media. In our interview we discuss her background, her move to the township, what issues she has found to be important to those living in the ward, issues she finds important, and pushback she has experienced from people (including an elected official who told her she shouldn’t be running) within the Democratic Party.
You can follow Lovelace on Instagram and Facebook to keep up with her campaign.
If you are not sure what ward you live in you can view a map here. Sample ballots and voting locations for Plymouth Township can be found here.