Chris (Home Owner) added a new listing for rent at in Conshohocken.
Room is available starting January. Room in a 1,350 SF end unit rowhome in a great location in Conshohocken. Just a few blocks away from restaurants/bars and the train station is right down the hill - easy access to Philly.
Nice sized, unfurnished room with ceiling fan faces front and has a closet. The walls were painted just a few months ago and the upstairs carpets are brand new. The one bathroom in the house is shared. You’ll have access to the kitchen, living room, and basement which leads to a surprisingly large deck, back yard, and off-street parking. two spaces, I usually take up one if I can’t park in front. All utilities are included including FIOS internet. $750 a month. Anyone interested can contact “Chris” at 610-295-3773. Text or call is fine.