Should West 2nd Avenue Become a Park?

Last year you may remember there was talk on closing West 2nd Avenue and making the entire space a park.  As you probably know, it is currently home to a memorial to soldiers and has a statue of a family.  Traffic currently runs on both sides of a thin park.

I had asked about this a couple times since and it seemed to be an idea that was floated that never went anywhere.  At last weeks Borough Council Workshop meeting DePallo Design and Planning of Conshohocken presented a concept they developed.

The plan closes West 2nd Avenue and creates a terraced park between Fayette and Forrest.  This provides more green space and room to hold events.  If you click the image you can see more detail.

The really interesting part of the plan is that it also crosses Fayette Street and makes changes to East 2nd Avenue.  In the areas along the East 2nd Avenue side of Tony & Joe’s and the Great American Pub public space is created on the street with outdoor seating and room for events.  The Fayette Street/East 2nd Avenue intersection would now be one way to enter East 2nd Avenue.  The Harry Street side would remain an entry and exit.

Please note that this was done DePallo Design and Planning’s own accord.  There is no plan to do this and no money is allocated to do this.  Consider it a starting point for discussion to determine if its a good idea and something to discuss further.

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