Study finds no need for a stop sign at the intersection of Karrs Lane and Butler Pike

During the April 5th meeting of Plymouth Township’s Council, a potential stop sign at the intersection of Karrs Lane and Butler Pike was discussed. The Plymouth Township Police Department conducted a study of the road and found that after monitoring traffic, speeding was not an issue. Police Chief John C. Myrsiades also share that the handful of accidents that have occurred on Karrs Lane over the past three years were due to operator error and not due to speeding.

Myrsiades did offer that while he does not recommend a stop sign at the intersection, he is working with PennDOT and the Colonial School District to add a school zone near the intersection of Karrs Lane and Little Avenue on the approach to Ridge Park Elementary School. The final determination for this would be up to PennDOT. Myrsiades also discussed increasing the police presence in the area.

In addition, Councilmember Kathy Bandish stated that due to Chemical Road being partially closed has resulted in at least two neighborhoods along Butler Pike having increased cut-through traffic. Specific areas mentioned were Karrs Lane and Sierra Road. Myrsiades stated that there will be an increased presence, plus is considering decoy cars and signage to slow traffic.